1. CVODE Solver

Follow the steps below to run an example of CVODE. Examples are stored in the directory: .. code-block:: bash


To run these examples, first source your OpenFOAM, depending on your OpenFOAM path:

source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-7/etc/bashrc

Then, source your DeepFlame:

source $HOME/deepflame-dev/bashrc

Next, you can go to the directory of any example case that you want to run. For example:

cd $HOME/deepflame-dev/examples/zeroD_cubicReactor/H2/cvodeSolver

This is an example for the zero-dimensional hydrogen combustion with CVODE integrator.

The case is run by simply typing:


The probe used for post processing is defined in /system/probes. In this case, the probe is located at the coordinates (0.0025 0.0025 0.0025) to measure temperature variation with time. If the case is successfully run, the result can be found in /postProcessing/probes/0/T, and it can be visualized by running:

plot "/your/path/to/postProcessing/probes/0/T"

You will get a graph:


Visualisation of the zero-dimensional hydrogen combustion result with CVODE solver