3. PyTorch Solver

To get a quick start with DeepFlame, there are several examples for each solver stored in the following directory that can be run.


To run these examples, first source your OpenFOAM, depending on your OpenFOAM path:

source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-7/etc/bashrc

Then, source your DeepFlame:

source $HOME/deepflame-dev/bashrc

Next, you can go to the directory of any example case that you want to run. For example:

cd $HOME/deepflame-dev/examples/zeroD_cubicReactor/H2/cvodeSolver

This is an example for the zero-dimensional hydrogen combustion with CVODE Solver.

The case is run by simply typing:



For the example cases with torchSolver, an additional DNN model file in the .pt format is required. Please contact the developers if you would like a test run.